Is the veterans cemetery only for interring veterans?
No. Veterans and their dependents who meet eligibility criteria can be interred at the veterans cemetery.
Must the veteran be interred first?
No. The veteran is the one entitled to the burial plot; however, if the veteran is pre-deceased by a spouse then the spouse (or eligible dependent) is entitled to an immediate interment.
Must I be cremated to be buried in the veterans cemetery?
No. We have three types of burials at the cemetery: burial of cremains in a Columbarium Niche; in-ground burial of cremains; and full casket burials.
Will my spouse and I be together?
Each veteran is entitled to one plot, which he/she shares with his/her eligible dependents. So, yes you will be together.
Do I need to purchase a vault for a full casket burial?
Yes, for now you must make arrangements for the vault with your funeral home. However, our current cemetery expansion, to be completed in July 2019, is adding pre-placed "vaults" which will provide a savings for veterans and families choosing a full casket burial.
What can I do now to prepare for burial in the veterans cemetery?
Gravesites in the veterans cemetery cannot be reserved in advance, however, we encourage veterans to submit an application form with the required documents now. The cemetery will then issue an eligibility certificate to the veteran, which can be put with other important documents. The pre-application makes it easier for the surviving family to schedule the interment. We process 15 - 20 applications a week.
Will there be room for me?
Yes, there will be room for interments at NHSVC for many, many years. The veterans cemetery has 104 acres and only15 acres are developed. An expansion project is ongoing and will be completed in Summer 2019. After the expansion project, there will be sufficient burial locations to last well over another 10 years. There are several more expansion projects planned for upcoming years.
What size is the niche in the Columbarium?
Columbarium niches are desiged to accommodate two receptacles, e.g. for a veteran and eligible spouse. The niche dimensions are approximately 14" high, 10" wide, and 18" deep. It is important that these dimensions are considered when purchasing an urn (receptacle). If a second inurnment is anticipated, both receptacles must fit within these dimensions. If there is a question on urn size, please contact the cemetery and we are happy to test if an urn will fit.
How do I donate to Wreaths for Boscawen?
Wreaths for Boscawen is held the 1st Saturday in December at 10:30 AM at the NHSVC. Donations and dedications can be made through the Blue Star Mothers of NH where 100% of your donation goes toward the Wreaths for Boscawen event. These wreaths are sourced through a New Hampshire company. Individuals may place wreaths at headstones starting on December 1st. Wreaths will typically be removed the 1st Saturday in January (unless the first Saturday is New Years Day).
If you have a specific question, comment or concern please contact the cemetery at 796-2026 or email to info@nhsvc.com.